Highbush blueberry, a native of North America, grows 6 to 12 feet tall and is the major blueberry-producing species in ...
Many of those fresh blueberries you buy at the grocery store are grown right on the grounds of St. Helena Island. But after a ...
The snow turned St. Helena Island into a winter wonderland, but the scene wasn’t pretty for farmers with valuable crops in ...
A new North Carolina State University study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with powdery mildew, a disease that reduces blueberry yield and encourages the ...
Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan Return as Harry and Sally in Hellmann's Super Bowl Spot ...
The Romanian blueberry industry is adopting new technologies to increase the fruit's yields and quality and expand its ...
Picture a charming blueberry farm, where vibrant bushes brim with richly colored fruit and sunlit leaves shimmer in the light. Yet, a change is on the horizon. Blueberry plants are now under threat, ...
A new North Carolina State University study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with powdery mildew, a disease that reduces blueberry yield and encourages the ...
Blueberries grow well on a wide range of soil types when organic matter is incorporated into the root zone area. Once this is done, only improper pH can limit a blueberry plant’s success. The roots of ...
About 15 people from Wilkes and nearby counties learned about pruning apple and peach trees and blueberry bushes during a ...
Helena Island. The blueberry grower intentionally encased the plants with ice to protect them from freezing temperatures during the snowstorm Tuesday and Wednesday. Submitted Hucks considers the ...