The incident happened in Nathupur village in the Kudra police station area during a procession. The MP's empty vehicle allegedly brushed past some persons in the procession, locals said.
Patna: Like crores of devotees, Siya Devi (62) of a Maner village in Patna district's , had embarked on a pilgrimage to Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, where.
With the help of a Bihar-basd company, Mortuza Hossain is moving his house in Housenagar Village of West Bengal 20 feet away. The process is costing him around Rs 4 lakh ...
Four women from Bihar's Gopalganj district lost their lives in a stampede during the Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj. The commotion had broken out in the early hours of Wednesday. The incident occurred at ...