The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, ...
Bafana Bafana star Oswin Appollis could leave Polokwane City after the club dropped a hint ahead of their Nedbank Cup match on Sunday, 26 January 2025.
Memory loss may even fuel complex conspiracies or throw the nature of reality itself into question. If you like anime that explore memory loss, identity crises, and unraveling intriguing mysteries, ...
I remember seeing the news that Japanese singer ‘Ado’ (who will be performing in Manila in May) was holding tryouts for a girl group and the assigned piece was Ado’s ‘Tot Musica’ and I thought to ...