behind his drums or eating his stash of home-cooked food. Sometimes all at once. This kind of low-light photography used to require a DSLR on a tripod to take long exposures over several seconds.
The best lenses for food photography will ensure you always end up with mouth-watering photos. Chances are if you love food and photography, you'll love combining the two and while pretty much any ...
5d The Scoop: The Bold and the Beautiful’s what-to-watch moments for the Week of January 27th to 31st The Scoop: The Bold and the Beautiful’s what-to-watch ...
When not testing the latest phones, he can normally be found with his camera in hand, behind his drums or eating his stash of home-cooked food ... coming back with beautiful photos you can ...
Meanwhile, her husband, Shahid Kapoor has been busy promoting his film, Deva, which released on January 31. In the film, Shahid plays a cop. The star-studded cast includes Pooja Hegde, Pavail Gulati, ...
abundant guide to approachable food devoid of intimidating complexities for foodies looking to up their cooking repertoire or those who love to stare at beautiful food photography, all photographed by ...
whether it’s discounted drafts, cocktail specials or cheap eats. Want happy hours with food and beer specials on Monday? Choose all 3 buttons to get your results.