Apart from a gripping storyline, these anime captivated its readers with three-dimensional characters. While many are not heroes, some are antiheroes, and these characters stand out to viewers.
Haku from the highly acclaimed Naruto is a famous femboy anime character whose looks exude femininity. His striking elegance and effortless grace mean he's often perceived as a woman. However, he is ...
Anime is a treasure trove of unique powers and bizarre abilities. After all, from a mundane superpower like flying to a strange ability like temporarily growing limbs on any object, anime has them ...
A Nigerian Catholic priest, Echezona Obiagbaosogu, has denounced Christianity and joined the African Traditional Religion. Mr Obiagbaosogu has served as a Catholic priest for 17 years in Anambra ...
Let's take a look at the strongest characters in the anime based on their influence, fighting prowess, impact, and ability to adapt to different circumstances. Only characters who have been ...
Anime has always been a rich medium for exploring complex characters and intricate plots. From master strategists to brilliant scientists or a really smart person, anime has introduced brilliant ...
Heroes World, previously known as My Hero Mania, takes inspiration from the popular My Hero Academia animanga series. Here, you can create and customize your anime character with unique abilities.