“Metropolis” was the first film adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s famous early sci-fi manga and an ambitious attempt at combining 3D computer graphics with 2D animation. Now, I wonder how many people will ...
Find out more in the Apply Now section. MA Character Animation is for designers, artists and illustrators who want to learn how to animate. This course is part of the Performance programme.
On Christmas Day, Osamu Suzuki, the 94-year-old former chairman of the eponymous automotive firm, passed away. Annually, nearly two million cars and half a million two-wheelers wearing the Suzuki ‘S’ ...
Shantipriya observed the students as she said this. “How would it be if the famous animation filmmaker Osamu Tezuka made a film on Elon Musk?" quipped Venkat Yadav as he arched his eyebrows in ...
Netflix continues to lead the way with their feature animation output, which currently stands at seven animated releases for 2025, including their first Korean-language animated film (Lost in ...
The former head of Suzuki Motors, Osamu Suzuki, has passed away over the Christmas period. While you’d be forgiven for assuming that Osamu-san was an original member of the founding Suzuki family, he ...
Osamu Suzuki, born Osamu Matsuda, began his journey at Suzuki Motor Corp. in 1958, starting at a junior level. When he married Shoko Suzuki, the granddaughter of the company’s founder, he ...
Osamu Suzuki, who has died aged 94, was the longest-serving head of a global automotive marque, having built his adoptive family’s business into a major manufacturer of small cars and motorcycles.