One Piece is one of the most popular manga in the world. The series, which is written and drawn by creator Eiichiro Oda, follows rubbery hero Monkey D Luffy and his crew (known as the Straw Hat ...
The caption stated: "It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Olivia Hussey Eisley, who went peacefully at home surrounded by her loved ones" Olivia Hussey met her second husband, ...
At the end of each year, Manga Plus, the official global source of Shonen Jump manga, releases the top rankings based on the number of views each year. The ranking for the new series is compiled ...
Recently, Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103 received unexpected criticism from Kazuhiko Torishima, Akira Toriyama’s former editor. He went as far as to call the artwork of this chapter a “shame”, ...
Don't trust adults, no matter how kind they seem, is what this manga seems to be expressing, and it's so successful at ingraining this message that even when Akira and Kyonosuke eventually find ...