The Legend of Ochi (2025) stands out due to an open heart and trust in its young audience to handle an emotional, spooky narrative, conjuring up cinematic magic. The post SUNDANCE: ‘The Legend of Ochi ...
BEACHSIDE HOMICIDE: "48 Hours" looks back at seaside slayings. 9/8c: Murder on the Cape: "48 Hours" has covered the case of A-list fashion writer Christa ...
Rodney Boyd, 53, founder and partner with the Nexus Group, a full-service government relations and lobbying firm, was afforded a valuable educational experience as a child. From the age of eight until ...
Young Black men in cities across America died of drug overdoses at high rates in the 1980s and 1990s. During the recent fentanyl crisis, older Black men in many cities have been dying at unusually ...