The coordinated assembly and disassembly of the neuronal actin cytoskeleton defines the range and complexity of morphologies in neurons like dendrite formation, spine development, and synaptic ...
To help you plan your meals and work toward growing your muscles, we discuss how food helps build muscles and which foods specifically can optimize your workouts. Of course, before making any ...
These indications include the reported phenomenon of “ligament contraction” of human lumbar fascia in response to repeated isometric ... Subsequent immunohistochemistry and quantification of α-smooth ...
To date, many distinct clubfoot aetiologies have been demonstrated. These concern patterning defects caused by the mutations of transcription factors (PITX1, TBX4) and mutations affecting the genes of ...
The term dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) refers to a spectrum of heterogeneous myocardial disorders that are characterized by ventricular dilation and depressed myocardial performance in the absence of ...