The life and adventures of a Chinese monk who made a 17-year journey to bring Buddhist teachings from India to China. Xuanzang subsequently became a main character in the great Chinese epic Journey to ...
My name is Hivin and I'm a Buddhist. I follow the teachings of the Buddha, who lived two and a half thousand years ago. He said that life was full of suffering and that suffering was caused by ...
While other religions and cultures teach that homosexuality is sinful, Buddhist monk Kodo Nishimura is spreading the word that Buddhism preaches that all people can be liberated equally with no ...
Some followers of Buddhism consider it to be a religion, while others think of it as a philosophy, practice, or way of life. The reason for the discrepancy is that there are many schools of ...
Transforming from a 12-year-old farmer boy into a monastic student and then a novice monk is my unforgettable memory. I have been interested in writing about Buddhism in Cambodia since I enrolled in a ...
Chennai: Tamil Nadu’s Buddhist history hasn’t got much attention from mainstream historians. But a new paper maps the widespread travels of a 16th-century Buddhist yogi from Rameswaram.
Another Buddhist who has been garnering young followers on social media is Venerable Beomjeong, who is also known as Kkotsnim, which means “flower monk” in Korean.