However, Japan previously considered “mounting long-range missiles,” such as the AGM-158, on its 15 Kawasaki C-2 transport planes to “improve its standoff defense capabilities,” in what is ...
《爆击艺术2》是一款由MercuryStudio开发的机器人竞速游戏,由AGM PLAYISM发行。该游戏是手机版《爆击艺术》的正统续作,并在视觉效果和新系统方面有了很大的进步。玩家将扮演机器人角色,在高速竞速中展示自己的技巧和力量。游戏采用了精美的画面和流畅的 ...
NAVAIR is working to integrate the AGM-158C-1 LRASM (Long Range Anti-Ship Missile) on the U.S. Air Force’s F-15E Strike Eagles and F-15EX Eagle IIs, providing them with yet another tool for ...