This is an audio transcript of the Rachman Review podcast episode: ‘South Korea’s real-life political drama’ Gideon Rachman Hello and welcome to the Rachman Review. I’m Gideon Rachman, chief foreign a ...
在齐鲁大地的苍穹上,繁星闪烁,孔子、孟子、孙武、诸葛亮……他们的思想和智慧,照亮了千年的时空。 In the vast sky over the land of Qilu, countless stars twinkle, Confucius, Mencius, Sun Wu, Zhuge Liang... Their thoughts and wisdom have illuminated th ...
SFC Markets and Finance: The trend of green protectionism has raised concerns, especially with mechanisms like the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). How can the international community ...