The food and farm system is vast, complex and global. The United States occupies an important role in the global food system, both as a nation of consumers and one of vast food and fiber production.
In mid September 2000, traces of the Aventis Bt corn event were identified in taco shells manufactured by Kraft Foods and distributed through the fast food chain, Taco Bell. This occurence represented ...
"Historic evidence shows that Basmati is a distinctive cultivar developed by the farmers of India and Pakistan at least 250 years ago, and grown in many parts in these two countries ever since," says ...
In the Philippines, traditional knowledge touches on almost all facets of the economic and social development of a community from agriculture to literature and from customary law to arts and crafts.
The secretariat indicated in its informal note containing the draft classification list (24 May 1991) that it would prepare a revised version based on comments from participants. The attached list ...
Describes the Danish system for monitoring antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans, in animals, the link between the two, and the amount of antibiotics used.