Not long ago, in our very same galaxy, the high-tech elite seemed somewhat like the Jedis of the modern era. Sure, they were making gobs of money, but they were also “changing the world” for the ...
In a city in which an election was won four years ago by seven votes, every vote should count. But only the votes that should count should count. And that’s a problem in Beverly Hills. Voter fraud is ...
It was only a few days ago that a good friend sent me a link to a San Francisco Chronicle piece describing your plight as a UC-Berkeley student, and elected senator in the school’s student government.
It’s the most fundamental principle of the modern environmental movement. But, for all the big talk from green politicians, government continues to block individuals from taking the small steps that ...
A simple request from the Trump Justice Department to the Census Bureau to add a single question to the 2020 federal census is causing a huge uproar among liberal and Democratic groups because it ...
Governor Jerry Brown did a bit of crowing over his political successes while laying out an aggressive agenda in his State of the State speech. The governor declared the state fixed – premature at best ...
With the exception of California, all of the 10 states losing the largest number of domestic migrants were in the Northeast or the Midwest The new state (and DC) population estimates indicate a ...
California Forward was launched a decade ago with significant support from major foundations to be a dynamic and compelling force in transforming government. I was honored to be invited to serve on ...
(Editor’s note: Yesterday Mark Baldassare, president and CEO of the Public Policy Institute of California testified before the Little Hoover Commission about interactions between state government and ...
The Inland Empire is a big economy—the 13 th largest in the nation by population and in the top 20 in terms of employment. Still, the two-county region doesn’t feel like a major economy. It isn’t ...
Populist and anti-corporate rhetoric have captured the political and media narratives recently, with everyone from President Obama to Occupy<insert your town> bemoaning growing income inequality and ...
Did Attorney General Kamala Harris read the memo supplied by pollsters who conducted a union sponsored poll on the pension reform initiative? As the Sacramento Bee reported last month, the ...