The African Union's inclusion in the G20 represents a significant shift in global governance and the continent's place at the big table. With concerns of the Global South often appearing to be ignored ...
Wie lauten die konkreten Vorwürfe der Turnerinnen? Die frühere Topturnerin Tabea Alt prangerte in einem Instagram-Post am 28. Dezember Missstände am Bundesstützpunkt Stuttgart und "im deutschen ...
The ecological disaster involving two aging Russian tankers off Crimea is escalating, with the oil spill spreading to the beach, Russian authorities have confirmed.
Pelo menos 322 reclusos, do total de 1.534 que fugiram, há uma semana, após rebeliões em duas cadeias em Maputo, foram recapturados, anunciou o Serviço Nacional Penitenciário de Moçambique (Sernap).