In 2025, the Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, begins on Wednesday, January 29 th. Families can celebrate the Year of the Wood Snake with special events and festivities — some happening ...
Valentine’s Day, the day of love and friendship, is always celebrated on February 14 th. In honor of this special day, we’ve compiled a list of Family Events in Los Angeles happening on Valentine’s ...
February is recognized as Black History Month, and here in Los Angeles, there are many ways to celebrate the accomplishments of African-Americans in the United States. Celebrating the heritage and ...
HAWKs’ primarily outdoor day camps are designed to encourage children’s sense of wonder about the planet, familiarize them with local plants and animals, teach them the fundamentals of hiking, trail ...
Corbin Bowl in Tarzana has been the neighborhood bowling alley since 1959. Whether you want to bowl with friends, have fun with family, or celebrate a huge bash, we are ready! Corbin Bowl has leagues ...
With activities and themes ranging from surfing and sports to arts-n-crafts and computer coding, there’s something for every kid at Summer Camp in SoCal – at locations all across the region, and at ...
It can be difficult for some families to commit to a summer camp that requires you to register for weeks at a time. Are there camps that offer single day passes in Los Angeles? Yes, there are and ...
This is a guest post, first published in 2011. Since I’m the co-author of a book for parents applying to private schools in L.A., and I blog about the same topic, it’s natural for parents to be ...
There is nothing that brings people together like an old-fashioned 4 th of July celebration. We like to celebrate with dazzling firework displays, all-Americana parades, BBQs, and all-around ...
Santa Claus is a jolly symbol of the joy and magic of the Christmas season, and he is coming to a Los Angeles area town near you! Photos with Santa are a wonderful holiday tradition, whether your ...
Hey, want to head to the Mall? Fight traffic, hunt for parking, and wait in long lines at the stores? Neither did we. So MomsLA has chosen to support some local businesses that are making amazing, ...
Are you looking for fun things to do in Los Angeles during Thanksgiving week? The kids are off school, family may be coming into town, and you’ve got a lot of days to fill. Luckily, there is always ...