Operation Highjump was an enormous U.S. military expedition to Antarctica that began in December 1946 and ultimately lasted ...
"Given the octopus' remarkable intelligence, adaptability, and diverse range of survival strategies, it wouldn't be the most ...
On July 17, 1999, a beachcomber at Philbin Beach in Martha’s Vineyard came across an unusual find: a business card for a Morgan Stanley financial executive named Lauren Bessette. The name almost ...
In the 1973 novel The Princess Bride, Buttercup and Westley are taken by surprise when they are suddenly attacked by “rodents of unusual size,” or ROUS. The book describes the beasts as a “pure rat ...
Author Cormac McCarthy is not known for writing lighthearted novels, but for all the violence and darkness his books are famous for, few are quite so unrelenting as Blood Meridian. It was published in ...
In 1946, Alcatraz, the infamous prison island in San Francisco Bay, became the site of a bloody uprising that would later be known as the Battle of Alcatraz. What began as an ambitious escape attempt ...