1602年3月20日世界上第一个股份制公司——荷兰东印度公司,经荷兰议会批准正式成立。同年在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹成立了世界上第一个股票交易所,并正式印制了世界上最早的股票——东印度公司股票。 1608年荷兰米德尔堡眼镜师汉斯·李波尔(Hans Lippershey)造出了世界上第一架望远镜。
Il Consiglio di Sorveglianza di MYT Netherlands Parent B.V., (Mytheresa) annuncia la nomina di Burkhart Grund, Chief ...
你可能会说,少吃点甜的呗。但其实,少吃甜食在我们在日常生活中可能很容易识别和规避, 很多无意识飙升血糖的行为,你却没有注意到。 [1] Faerch K, Quist JS, Hulman A, Witte DR, Tabak AG, Brunner EJ, et al. Prospective association between late evening food consumption ...
Since the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush, Xi'an's port has welcomed more than 3,100 inbound foreign visitors, ...
Since the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush, Xi'an's port has welcomed more than 3,100 inbound foreign visitors, ...
NOS Journaal is the most watched and most trusted news program of The Netherlands, presenting analysis of national and international news of the day, hosted by Annechien Steenhuizen and Rob Trip. Deli ...
龙年最后一期食谱,完结啦。感谢大家一年的喜爱和支持我们明年见啦。 这一期的早、午餐,可以戳标题查看: 大米和藜麦,建议分开淘洗,藜麦需要多揉搓一下。 芹菜叶子可以吃,而且非常值得吃,胡萝卜素、维生素B、C、K、镁、纤维含量都比茎多; 芹菜叶香味很浓郁 ...
诺贝尔经济学奖得主克劳迪娅·戈尔丁(Claudia Goldin)提出的U形曲线理论,描述了女性劳动参与率随经济发展先降后升的现象,这也一直是经济学和历史学研究的热点。然而Selin Dilli和Corinne Boter在Economic ...
NOS Journaal is the most watched and most trusted news program of The Netherlands, presenting analysis of national and international news of the day, hosted by Annechien Steenhuizen and Rob Trip. Deli ...
With China relaxing and optimizing its visa-free policies and introducing measures to facilitate foreign travelers, "China ...