In the past week, the U.S. President Donald Trump topped the headlines. On the first day of his second term, he signed plenty of executive orders. Investors are worrying about his economic policy most ...
上午10:00,无力阻挡英军装甲攻势的巴伐利亚守军大部分已经向古佐库尔败退,留下了一批狙击手躲在屋子里袭击英军官兵从而迟滞他们的速度。然而几支安了瞄准镜的毛瑟步枪显然无法对D17号坦克构成威胁,反而是狙击手藏身的屋子被57毫米高爆弹一个接一个的炸成瓦砾。就在坦克和步兵马上把村子肃清后,一颗突如其来的炮弹破片损坏了D17号坦克的履带,引擎也因过热而失灵。四名车组人员钻出车舱绕着坦克检查了一番并简短的 ...
US President Donald Trump late Monday signed an executive order to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord. The move means the United States will pull out of the Paris climate accord ...
C6号坦克的密集机枪杀死了不少德国人并成功摧毁了几个MG-08机枪组,使得后面的加拿大步兵得以继续推进。第4旅麾下的第18营是最大的获益者,该营刚接到信号冲出堑壕就遇到了德军的反击炮火,负责携带弹药和三脚架的机枪组士兵约翰·克雷塞( John Creasy ...
At the 15-second mark, the chronograph hand slows down to time out the remaining 45 seconds in its ... Gérald Genta ...
在接下来的两千年里,美杜莎的故事被不断重新解读,这也反映了人类社会与文化不停的演进。现代读者和学者常将她的故事视为一个反映女性在古代社会中遭受不公正待遇的缩影。还有一些人认为雅典娜的惩罚虽过于残酷,但也可能是出于对美杜莎的保护——变得丑陋的她避免了可 ...
To “tell a yarn” means to tell a story, especially a long and tall one, one that is exaggerated, one that is imagined or at any rate one that is not entirely true. That’s the idea being conveyed in ...