Aims: To describe the optics of in vivo confocal microscopy, its advantages over previous methods, and to summarise the literature that arose from its use for the observation of the ...
In addressing the challenges associated with existing temperature control systems for plant heat stress studies, our research has pioneered the development of two affordable, adaptable, and ...
Abstract: The theory of the confocal resonator is extended to include the effect of unequal aperture size and unequal radii of curvature of the two reflectors. The latter is equivalent to a periodic ...
A Nikon A1R confocal microscope equipped with a 10× plan-fluor objective (N.A., 0.3) was used to acquire z-stack images of the entire dorsal retinal flatmount using the “Large Image” tool. Higher ...
The data are expected to be czi files. This macro aims to work on Z-stack confocal data. Nuclei are detected using cellpose, and the cytoplasm created by expanding for 20px (equivalent 5um in the test ...
Multiphoton microscopy is a general term for a variety of fluorescence and non-fluorescence microscopy techniques that rely on multiple photons interacting with either individual molecules or ...
Stack Auth is a managed user authentication solution. It is developer-friendly and fully open-source (licensed under MIT and AGPL). Stack gets you started in just five minutes, after which you'll be ...
After staining, the cells were washed twice with PBS, and rinsed with PBS. Fluorescence images were captured using a Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany), and Z-stack images ...
The Z-stack images were acquired of patient fibroblasts using an Olympus Spinning Disc Confocal System (Olympus SD OSR) equipped with the Olympus UPlanApo 60XTIRF/1.50 Oil Objective using the ...
Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM), Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana 12071, Spain ...