近日一批国外用户涌入小红书在小红书平台各国网友开始了热烈互动在这些可爱热烈的互动中有一个中国人共同的“童年记忆”也被唤醒“李华终于收到了回信”一封封信件情真意切感动了万千中国网友有这样一封回信吸引了SZUer的注意一位来自美国佛罗里达州的学生Ruth ...
Example:The physical examination showed that he was in good health. Example:The medical examination is an important part of ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from his girlfriend, started taking drugs and had “failed to keep on top of his ...
Michela Tindera Chloe wanders around outside the entrance. It’s loud and electronic music is thumping. And there, she meets a 26-year-old guy named Didi Steiner. He’s from Austria, and he catches her ...
This is an audio transcript of the Rachman Review podcast episode: ‘South Korea’s real-life political drama’ Gideon Rachman Hello and welcome to the Rachman Review. I’m Gideon Rachman, chief foreign a ...
(原标题:U.S. Economy Faces Major Risks, 2025 Could Be a Turning Point: Richard Roberts Sounds the Alarm) ...
Sam Altman 刚刚突然发了一篇反思博客,博客中Sam说这些年是他一生中迄今为止最有收获、最有趣、最好、最有趣、最疲惫、最紧张,尤其是过去两年——最不愉快的几年,OpenAI已经知道如何实现传统定义的AGI,现在OpenAI转向更远大的目标:超级智能。