Telugu director Trinadha Rao Nakkina recently came under fire for his remarks on actress Anshu Ambani during the teaser launch event of Mazaka. Now, Anshu has finally broken silence by sharing a video ...
Leslie Charleson, 79, best known for playing the role of Monica Quartermaine on the soap opera General Hospital passed away, announced the the show's executive producer Frank Valentini on Sunday ...
The teaser launch event of 'Mazaka', featuring Sundeep Kishan, Ritu Varma, and Anshu in lead roles, became controversial following remarks made by director Trinadha Rao Nakkina in Hyderabad on ...
Their stars, whether presenting or accepting awards, brought out a new lexicon to the show with terms like "popcorn actress" and "zaddy." Here's a guide to the night-defining moments. Moore ...
When The Substance actress Demi Moore ascended the 2025 Golden Globes stage tonight to accept her award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy, she began her speech on a note of ...
It also won best supporting actress for Zoe Saldana, best song (El Mal) and best non-English language film. French director Audiard said through an interpreter that he hoped the film is "a beacon ...