Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath slammed the Aam Aadmi Party for turning Yamuna into a sewer. Addressing a public gathering in Mangolpuri, Yogi said Delhi's sins under AAP's rule will end only when ...
While addressing a public gathering in Mangolpuri Assembly Constituency, Yogi Adityanath attacked the AAP and said that the party will soon be ousted from the national capital and freed of its sins.
Amit Shah rebuked Arvind Kejriwal for alleging that the Haryana government mixed poison in the Yamuna. Shah dared Kejriwal to disclose evidence of his claims.
Mohammed Shami Returns; India To Bowl First In Rajkot 10 best low-calorie beers for weight loss 5 Stunning Blackhole Images Captured By NASA Olympian and boxing world champion Mary Kom on visiting ...