There are 4 direct trains that run between Yamuna Bridge Agra and Tundla. The train schedules consist of 3 daily and 1 biweekly trains. These include MEMU, Passenger and Super Fast trains. What is the ...
Yes, there is one direct Mail Express and Passenger train running between Yamuna Bridge Agra and Fateh Singhpura. These include Mail Express and Passenger trains. What is the distance between Yamuna ...
New Delhi: A 50-year-old man committed suicide by jumping in front of a train at Yamuna Bank metro station here, disrupting services briefly on the Blue Line, officials said.
Kanpur: A woman, residing in Bharua Sumerpur, filmed a social media reel on the Yamuna River railway bridge along the Kanpur-Banda route which subsequ.
The double-deck bridge caters to vehicular traffic on the lower deck, and a two-lane railway line on the upper deck, ...
and Delhi Cantonment stations. He also announced that a new 1.2-km-long bridge over the Yamuna River has been completed and would soon be operational. The minister said Delhi’s rail ...