An ancient lone wych elm whose remote Highland location has protected it from Dutch elm disease has been joined by dozens of seedlings for the first time in hundreds of years. The elm - dubbed the ...
The Beauly elm has been laser-scanned to create digital images of the tree What is believed to be Europe's oldest elm tree has succumbed to Dutch Elm Disease and is dying, say experts. The wych ...
One of the boys climbed a large wych elm tree, looked inside and found that it was hollow, and at first he thought what he’d found was sheep skull. He and his friends quickly realised it was human.
For 80 years, the mystery of the woman in the wych elm has puzzled and fascinated people. Can modern science help to identify the victim and lay her to rest?
The Wych Elm Pub, a pub, bar or nightclub at The Wych Elm, 93 Elm Road, Kingston Upon Thames was handed a five-out-of-five rating after assessment on November 15. And Batterfly Fish & Chips ...
The council said the forests featured a mix of native tree species, including wych elm, silver birch, hawthorn and broom, and were designed to attract more than 500 animal and plant species within ...