Rainbow Group, the Italian TV production and animation content creator, has gained investment from TEC Movie, an independent vehicle established as part of The Equity Club (TEC), a club deal ...
Kepitis’ Woppitt Bloodstock announced on Tuesday via social media that the Pierro-Winx filly, the first live foal out of the record-breaking 25-time group 1-winning mare, had been named ...
The second foal from Champion mare Winx (her first died at birth) by stallion Pierro which sold for $10million dollars earlier this year has been given a name. Announced on X (formerly twitter) by ...
Mark Kolbe The record-breaking foal out of Winx has been named Quinceanera by her part-owner and breeder Debbie Kepitis. Kepitis had a major involvement in the partnership which owned the 25-time ...