Consistent Infosystems has expanded its smart home security offerings in India with the introduction of the 2MP Wi-Fi Smart Dual Light Camera. The camera, which measures 108 x 69 x 69 mm and weighs ...
Macy is a Writer on the CNET How-To team, covering a variety of topics, including home security, fitness and nutrition, smart home tech and more. In each article, Macy helps readers get the most ...
If you're spending a lot of time away from home, it's normal to want to have an indoor security camera so you can keep an eye on everything. After all, being away for so long is bound to give you ...
Turn off the flashlight mode of your phone: The easiest way to to spot a hidden camera is by point your smartphone’s flashlight to suspicious places where a camera can be hidden. The white light from ...
Your camera or smartphone’s built-in mic should capture good-quality sound if you’re standing close to it. However, as soon as you step back a few feet from the camera the audio levels will drop off ...