The conference will cover themes, such as: Buddhism and politics; current issues in implementing Buddhist religious values into legal systems; Buddhist law and constitutionalism in emerging ...
The word Ahimsa, derived from Sanskrit, means non-harm or non-injury and is often translated into English as non-violence. The dictionary defines it as “the ethical principle of not causing harm to ...
Around the world, there are around 400 million people who describe themselves as Buddhists, most of them living in countries where it is the dominant belief system, like Thailand or Burma. In addition ...
Terasawa also referenced the “Sora system,” likely ... and Japan was not limited to religion. It encompassed philosophy, governance, art and science. Buddhist monasteries in Gandhara served ...
Buddhism has played a vital role in fostering harmony and peaceful coexistence with nature. In Bhutan, conservation is as old as our belief system. Disturbing a lake was once unthinkable, as it was ...