A recent photo from the Hubble Space Telescope captures two protostars called HOPS 150 and HOPS 153, which are located in the ...
Determining the expansion rate of the universe—known as the Hubble constant—has been a major scientific pursuit ever since 1929, when Edwin Hubble first discovered that the universe was expanding.
New measurements show that the expansion rate of the universe is faster than can be explained by our current understanding of ...
The magnificent Andromeda galaxy (Messier 31), stands out as the most important nearby stellar island to our Milky Way, and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear autumn night as “a faint ...
For humans, the most important star in the universe is our sun. The second-most important star is nestled inside the ...
A newly released Hubble pic shows the galaxy LEDA 22057, where the supernova explosion occurred. The spiral galaxy's swirling ...
The Universe really seems to be expanding fast. Too fast, even. A new measurement confirms what previous — and highly debated ...
Dive into a celestial masterpiece with the Hubble Space Telescope's latest snapshot of the Large Magellanic Cloud, showcasing ...
本来提这个问题是想看看会不会有大佬正好在做相关方向可以发表一下看法,没想到除了 @赵泠 的回答外没一个能看的......果然这些问题还是更适合自己找论文看。 首先说说称呼的问题。「哈勃常数危机」的表述并不是我个人的创造,至少有两篇中文研究综述[1][2]都用了相同的描述概括近年来出现的哈勃常数测量值分歧,不过把「哈勃常数危机」与「Hubble ...
Discover the fascinating story of the 'blue lurker,' a mysterious star in the M67 star cluster studied by NASA's Hubble ...
Proposed budget reductions for the Hubble Space Telescope would impact research and outreach as well as increase the risk to ...