▲ 点击上方蓝字关注我们,不错过任何一篇干货文章!Waveshare 近期推出了一款专为驱动DDSM400 轮毂电机而设计的紧凑型 Raspberry Pi DDSM(直驱伺服电机)电机驱动器——DDSM Driver HAT (B)。树莓派 HAT(Hardware Attached on Top)是一种专为树莓派设计的附加板,通过标准化的物理和电气接口来增强树莓派的功能。
Because, for all the good Arduino has done for the Hackaday audience, there’s two aspects that really get our goat. (Rant-mode on!) First off is the “sketch” thing. Listen up, Arduino people ...
Apart from understanding the Arduino's code language, one of the most confusing parts about the platform — especially for beginners — is picking the right board to use in a project.
Learning electronics? Then, chances are you already know what an Arduino is, or at the very least, you've heard of it. After all, it's among the most popular electronics platforms available in the ...
First of all, you need to download the Arduino IDE on your computer from its official site so that you can write the code and upload it to the Arduino UNO board. Now follow the below steps to do ...
Android apps for Arduino Bluetooth Control. What are some of the best apps available? Zach Wendt and Jeremy S. Cook walk us through the stages of development, considering the advantages and ...
The shield is compatible with both the Arduino IDE and STM32Cube IDE, making it work with popular boards like the Arduino UNO ...
The official Arduino development team has week announced the release of the new MicroPython Package Installer for Arduino. Introducing a streamlined and ...