In Buddhism, we have a lot of holy books and the ... they only celebrate the birth of the Buddha. Mahayana Buddhists believe there are many different ways to gain enlightenment and that the ...
Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities. Buddhism is a spiritual ...
The religious beliefs of people along the Silk Road at the beginning of the 1st century BCE were very different from what they would later become. When China defeated the nomadic Xiongnu confederation ...
The main religions are Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, China’s indigenous Taoism, along with Shamanism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Naxi people’s Dongba religion. The Hui, Uygur ...
Some followers of Buddhism consider it to be a religion, while others think of it as a philosophy, practice, or way of life. The reason for the discrepancy is that there are many schools of ...
“Skeptical Buddhism as Provenance and Project,” in Buddhism and Skepticism: Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives, edited by Oren Hanner, 161–177. Hamburg Buddhist Studies, vol. 11, ...