This line, famously spoken by the character Stu Macher in the original 1996 “Scream” movie, made a momentous new appearance Thursday when actor Matthew Lillard, who played Stu, posted a video on ...
Sorry, Baby” Eva Victor triumphs as the writer and star in her perfectly nuanced directorial debut “Sorry, Baby.” (Mia Cioffy Henry, provided by the Sundance Institute) Comedian Eva Victor can be ...
The first-time director, a writer and producer on ‘The Bear’ and ‘Beef,’ traces the oily path from sycophant to puppet master in an ‘All About Eve’ for Generation Instagram.
The strength of any memorable movie lies in its chief antagonist. Yes, we all like to cheer for Luke Skywalker, Batman, or Professor Van Helsing. But what kind of movies might these heroes find ...
European shorts and co-productions have taken home the majority of awards, including the Grand Jury Prize for the UK documentary The Flowers Stand Silently, Witnessing ...