But within minutes her enjoyment was rudely interrupted by a violent coughing fit — her own. 'The more I tried to suppress it, the worse it became,' says Bethan, 56, from Manchester.
Every cough tells a story about your health, but some narratives demand urgent attention. While most coughs resolve naturally, distinguishing between a minor irritation and a serious health ...
Still, it can be deadly for children and immunocompromised patients like Diane Davison, 60, a lawyer from Maryland, who was left 'unable to speak' due to 'violent' coughing fits. The World Health ...
The best defense against pertussis is vaccination. The DTaP vaccine and the Tdap booster provide effective protection, reducing the risk of severe illness and limiting the spread. Parents should ...
A cough, while common, can signal various underlying conditions ranging from minor irritations to serious health concerns. Dr. Fady Youssef, a board-certified pulmonologist, explains that ...