But within minutes her enjoyment was rudely interrupted by a violent coughing fit — her own. 'The more I tried to suppress it, the worse it became,' says Bethan, 56, from Manchester.
The Tulsa Health Department says tuberculosis is nowhere close to being a public health emergency in Tulsa County, but it's always monitoring cases here and across the country.
However, with whooping cough, that cough will progress to a more violent dry, hacky cough that then gives that characteristic whoop at the end of that coughing fit. Now, for healthy children or ...
We all cough. You can have a mild cough that can be annoying or a severe cough that can be so harsh it can break a rib. Experts say coughing is the top reason people see a doctor — more than 30 ...
A cough, while common, can signal various underlying conditions ranging from minor irritations to serious health concerns. Dr. Fady Youssef, a board-certified pulmonologist, explains that ...
The best defense against pertussis is vaccination. The DTaP vaccine and the Tdap booster provide effective protection, reducing the risk of severe illness and limiting the spread. Parents should ...