Mullein leaf (Verbascum ) is a common weed used for centuries in herbal medicine. Herbalists often use mullein flowers and leaves to treat respiratory problems, digestive issues, and skin conditions, ...
The most popular type commercially used is common mullein (Verbascum thapsus). The leaves are harvested near the bottom of the plant and used either fresh or dried to make various products.
毛蕊花,Verbascum thapsus L.,玄参科毛蕊花属的二年生草本,高达1.5米,全株被密而厚的浅灰黄色星状毛。基生叶和下部的茎生叶倒披针状矩圆形,基部渐狭成短柄状,长达15厘米,宽达6厘米,边缘具浅圆齿,上部茎生叶逐渐缩小而渐变为矩圆形至卵状矩圆形 ...
Dermatitis. 2009;20(2):63-78. Other plants known for their spines include Serenoa repens (family Arecaceae), a North American plant commonly known as saw palmetto (Figure 6). This palm gets its ...