Albumin is the most abundant protein in the circulation. Its main physiologic function is to maintain colloid osmotic pressure. Better understanding of albumin's other physiologic functions has ...
We have evaluated the use of single voided urine (SVU) samples from diabetic outpatients as a screen for AU. albumin was measured by RIA and expressed as mg/g creatinine (cr). To set normal limits ...
CKD can lead to severe complications like anemia, uremic gastroenteritis, and renal secondary hyperparathyroidism. Early ...
GPs struggle to integrate albuminuria screening for chronic kidney disease due to confusion over prescribing and interpreting ...
A University of Iowa research team has found that a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs have no effect on kidney function.
For example, hypoalbuminemia from nephrotic syndrome causes profound fluid-related weight gain, foamy urine, trouble breathing with activity, and high blood pressure. An albumin blood test and a ...
CLINITEK Microalbumin 2 Reagent Strips permit detection of elevated albumin sooner ... The strips are also convenient for testing random urine samples, eliminating the need to collect a timed ...