Pain in the right shoulder and arm can occur due to injury, wear and tear, and other health conditions. You may experience other symptoms with certain causes. Shoulder pain is very common.
Symptoms of shoulder arthritis may include pain in the shoulder joint, stiffness and reduced range of motion. There are many nonoperative treatments for shoulder arthritis, including stretches, ...
The pain may limit your shoulder motion and make performing normal work and recreational tasks difficult or impossible. You should see a healthcare provider who can diagnose biceps tendonitis and ...
In severe cases, the inflammation spurred by costochondritis can affect nerves in the chest wall, causing shooting pains and numbness in the shoulder radiating down the arm (known ... or up to several ...
Physical therapy can also be beneficial in developing a tailored exercise plan to manage shoulder arthritis pain. Newer treatment options for shoulder arthritis include platelet-rich plasma (PRP ...
Introduction: Shoulder pain and disability ipsilateral to the implant site is a common complication of cardiac rhythm device implantation, yet very little has been published about this morbidity.