In her remarks, Wang Dan, wife of Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Xie Feng, highlighted the significance of the winter solstice, which encompasses both cultural heritage and the spirit of conveying ...
Parks, tourist attractions and malls across the city are ready for the year-end and New Year celebrations. From exhibitions ...
“曲水流觞”这一雅事,并非仅限于东晋书法家王羲之的时代。在北魏时期,济南的士大夫们就在曲水亭街附近建起了“曲水流杯池”,正如郦道元在其《水经注》中所述:“历祠下泉源竞发,北流经历城东又北,引水为流杯池,州僚宾宴公私多萃其上。”流杯池即王府池子,池水北出,曲折东流是为曲水河。每年农历三月初三,文人墨客都要聚会于此,“修禊”完毕后,便开始“曲水流觞”的诗酒盛会。这种盛会一直流行至清代。随着时代的变迁, ...
BISU编者按:由北京第二外国语学院与北京日报社、中国互联网新闻中心联合出品的《我眼中的北京非遗》系列节目第五期《“东方悠悠球”——北京空竹的前世今生》正式上线。本系列节目依托北二外的外语专业特色与媒体的优质海内外传播平台,推出系列融媒体产品,助力讲 ...
Noting that the Middle East belongs to the people of the Middle East, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that it is not an arena for ...
Xizang's traditional archery isn't just a sport, but a living thread of culture and art. Once carried along the Tea Horse Road, this ancient practice continues to inspire and connect across ...
Embark on a journey of art and romance in the enchanting city of Paris, a sanctuary cherished by artists throughout history.
当不同文化相遇,会碰撞出怎样的火花?在烟火长沙遇见爱情,在奇妙张家界领略奇峻,在千年岳麓感悟湖湘。外国朋友们跨山越海,“湘”遇湖南,见证了湖南的日新月异。不一样的湖南,不一样的故事。跟随我们的镜头,跟随我们的外国友人,用“第三只眼”看湖南,发现湖南另 ...
Visiting the museum that exhibits 350 cultural relics from the Wuyue Kingdom was an awe-inspiring experience. These relics ...
来源:中国社会科学网持续研究经济社会发展中的保险机制王向楠,男,1984年6月生,经济学博士,2024年6月破格晋升为研究员。现任中国社会科学院金融研究所保险与社会保障研究室副主任、国家金融与发展实验室研究人员、中国社会科学院大学专业导师,兼任中国保 ...