The throat chakra is responsible for the health of all body parts between the nose and chest. Therefore, any health issues in these areas indicate a blocked throat chakra.
A woman is using a Tibetan bowl for a music and sound healing therapy session. Yoga, instructor and group doing pilates exercise in a zen studio for mind, body and chakra balance. Calm, meditation and ...
Strep throat is a highly contagious infection caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes); it is common in children but affects adults too. Strep throat symptoms include a sore ...
Recurring strep throat describes a group A Streptococcus bacterial infection that occurs more than once during a respiratory season. Recurring strep throat happens more often in children and is ...
Shaurya Chakra, the third-highest gallantry award, has been awarded to 14 security personnel. Of these, nine are from the Army, two from the Air Force, one from the Border Roads Development Board ...
Republic Day celebrated on January 26, marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution in 1950. On this day, the nation honours exceptional individuals through various prestigious awards. The Padma ...