Turtles (Testudinata sensu Joyce et al., 2004) are a diverse group of reptiles with an unusual “bauplan” fundamentally different from that of other amniotes. Unique morphological characters, including ...
Though hardly a household name like Velociraptor or Tyrannosaurus rex, Megalosaurus holds a key place in the history of paleontology. That’s not because it’s an exceptional dinosaur but as it was the ...
这对鸟类的飞行至关重要,这个我们后面再说。 始祖鸟和今天的鸟类,都属于恐龙总目(Dinosauria)-兽脚亚目(Theropoda)-虚骨龙类 (Coelurosauria)-手盗龙类(Maniraptora)-近鸟类(Paraves)。 近鸟类下面分支出鸟翼类(Avialae)和恐爪龙类(Deinonychosauria)。