If you have school-aged children, you may find yourself contemplating the challenge of what to do with pre-loved school uniforms once your child outgrows them or graduates. Perhaps the school uniforms ...
who died last summer in a traffic accident. Chapman had the words “In loving memory Jake Pietkiewicz” placed on the uniform shorts of the three youth basketball teams sponsored by The ...
For teens, summer is a chance to work or work on their college application resume. Luckily, Los Angeles has many terrific summer programs for high school students. Plans may need to be flexible, and ...
This Insights Summer School is a four-day, three-night residential program designed to encourage students to continue studying science and engineering subjects after their GCSEs (or equivalent).
Gain laboratory experience in cell signalling. Gain hands-on wet laboratory experience through a mini research project, alongside guest lectures and teaching on topics including food and nutrition, ...