昨天,政府工作报告亮出了2024年的“成绩单”:预计全市生产总值增长5%左右,城市经济规模进入了5万亿元以上的新阶段,经济运行回升向好。 取得这份成绩,殊为不易。去年年初,国内外一些机构预测上海经济发展增速在3.5%—4%之间,上海迎难而上,奋力一跳,突破了各类“模型预测”,实现了新的跨越。代表们在审议政府工作报告时,一致提到一定要“坚定信心”。 信心从何而来? 信心,来自实干苦干、来自创新突破。
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Singapore will showcase land-use proposals to guide its development for the next 10 to 15 years. The Urban Redevelopment ...
The ranking was produced by a poll of more than 18,500 city-dwellers who 'shared their thoughts on their city', from 'food, ...
Cape Town tops the annual list of the Best Cities in the World, released today by Time Out – the global brand that inspires and enables people to experience the best of the city.