IN Prof. Wyville Thomson's work “The Depths of the Sea” there appears to me a curious discrepancy between two statements of the specific gravity of the sea, to which it may be useful to direct ...
AIM To evaluate the reliability of dipstick measurements of urine specific gravity (U-SG). METHODS Fresh urine specimens were tested for urine pH and osmolality (U-pH, U-Osm) by a pH meter and an ...
There is a considerable number of hydrocarbon oils (popularly spoken of as the light hydrocarbons on account of their low specific gravity) of mineral origin. That is, whatever their original ...
Urinary specific gravity was measured before, during, and at the completion of the working shift. Environmental conditions were measured hourly during the shift. Fluid replacement was measured during ...
In the trade, this material may be sold as an “opal-like product,” because of the play-of-color phenomenon observed (figure 1, left). Standard gemological testing revealed a hydrostatic specific ...