BOY 1: ¿Te gusta el queso? GIRL: Me encanta el queso! BOY 2: No, no me gusta el queso. BOY 3: Sí, me gusta el queso. Tip: This video can be used as an interactive introduction to this topic or ...
Buy British food in Spain Depending on which part of Spain you live in, you'll be able to find more or less British food for sale. In coastal areas such as the Costa del Sol, Murcia and Alicante ...
Food and drink is a big part of Spanish culture. el pan close Sorry, something went wrongCheck your connection, refresh the page and try again. bread el pescado close ...
More than 40 people have fallen sick in Spain with a type of sandwich served at a restaurant suspected of causing illness. The Regional Delegation of ...
while he and his brother converse in Spanish. While juggling a job at a fast food franchise with a degree in aerospace engineering, he was furloughed when Covid-19 hit. With research and the help ...