SpaceX rocket launch from Florida was spotted across the East Coast sky, including in Morehead City, North Carolina.
A high pressure system over the Tasman Sea currently extends a ridge into northeastern New South Wales, while a trough moves over southern and central districts. This trough is bringing unsettled ...
菲律宾和美国空军星期二 (2月4日)在南中国海上空举行 “ 联合巡航”的演习之际,中国也发动空军,在同一有争议的斯卡伯勒浅滩 (Scarborough Shoal,中国称黄岩岛)上空组织其称为 “ 例行巡航”的反制行动。
Perpetua Resources, the mining company planning to dig in the mountains outside McCall, promises to clean up the site — including the damage done by decades of previous mining.