That need is what led [Erwin Ried] to purchase a small, battery-powered spot welder from a maker in Korea and test it out on nickel strips. The spot welder [Erwin] used is the work of a user by ...
and we often wonder how much real use they get other than “hey look I built a spot welder!”. I myself made one, but then ended up buying a professional one because it works better. Not ...
This Spot Welder can be used to weld 18650 batteries. It uses a 12V car battery as welding current supply. Typically one 60Ah 600A battery delivers enough current to get good welds with 0.15mm - 0.2mm ...
This is my version of a DIY spot welder controller. It is intended for use with a modified microwave oven transformer, but may suit other applications too. I have included the PCB Gerber files, BOM ...