From the Ice Lantern Festival to the impressive Harbin Ice-Snow World, Chinese ice sculpting has become a major draw for visitors from all over the world. Standing beneath the towering sculptures, ...
赏灯 、游园、吃上海特色小吃、在市中心国际时尚街区买到退税好物!首个非遗春节马上就要到了,来沪过中国年成海外游客选择。只有上海local们才知道的最地道的上海年味在哪里?邀请你一起打卡“海派年味”。
China's local governments tend to develop innovation and industrial roadmaps based on their unique strengths. The eastern province of Anhui is advancing an international lunar research station project ...
Since the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush, Xi'an's port has welcomed more than 3,100 inbound foreign visitors, ...
Since the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush, Xi'an's port has welcomed more than 3,100 inbound foreign visitors, ...
近期,我院贾英男、陈浩课题组联合上海市疾控预防控制中心,在职业人群身体活动的干预研究方面取得进展。研究成果以“Effects of group communication norms on daily steps in a team-based ...
Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong rank among the world's top 10 innovation cities, alongside other cities from the United ...
Follow us 划动查看中文版Hello everyone. I'm Arina, a freshman at Korea University. When I'm back this Winter Vacation, I notice that ...
This morning, at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, Sheng ...
From groups of young women posing in front of Cinderella's castle at Shanghai Disneyland to families visiting the festive ...
With China relaxing and optimizing its visa-free policies and introducing measures to facilitate foreign travelers, "China ...
春季招聘季节即将来临,作为新中国外语教育的发源地之一,上海外国语大学(Shanghai International Studies University,简称上外)凭借其优质的人才培养体系,正热切期待用人单位的参与。本文将为大家提供2025届毕业生的生源信息及相关的春季校园招聘服务指南,助力用人单位精准对接优秀人才。