全国大学生“恩智浦杯”智能汽车竞赛,前身为“全国大学生‘飞思卡尔杯’智能汽车竞赛”,起源于韩国,最初是韩国汉阳大学汽车控制实验室在飞思卡尔半导体公司资助下举办的以 HCS12 单片机为核心的大学生课外科技竞赛。引入国内后,参赛选手须使用竞赛 ...
Stabilizing an inverted pendulum is a classic problem in control theory, and if you’ve ever taken a control systems class you might remember seeing pages full of differential equations and bode ...
One of the star attractions at the recent bring-a-hack prior to our London unconference was [Dan]’s two-wheeled self-balancing robot ... repository with all the code, and if our description ...
Building on basic knowledge of programming and electronics, this book teaches you how to choose the right components, such as Arduino boards, sensors, and motors, and write effective code for your ...