The Scottish government has offered to fund a feasibility study into establishing the Western Isles' first Gaelic language secondary school. There is a Gaelic secondary in Glasgow and subjects are ...
Researchers use community engagement and crowdsourcing to build corpora for low-resource Kenyan languages to support machine translation, speech recognition ... with plans to select the “three best ...
In the recent US election, the Democrats made a huge play out of the notion that the very concept of democracy itself was at risk if Donald Trump won. And yet his eventual victory was unquestionably ...
Dr John Shaw is one of the worlds’ foremost scholars of Gaelic oral traditions and is an Honorary Fellow in Celtic and Scottish Studies at Edinburgh University. Following encouragement from… ...
Tha fuinn, còisirean agus òrain bho shaoghal ceòl clasaigeach agus eile aig Iain. Taghadh de cheòl dùthchail sean is ùr bho Big Tom, Ashley McBryde agus gu leòr eile.
They lost 22-20. It was their first defeat at home this season. The Scottish management aren't giving anything away at the moment, but if Laussucq is not playing games then it's a troubling ...