Hilary Mantel’s “The Mirror and the Light,” a new “Bridget Jones” and Michael Bond’s Paddington Bear series are some of this ...
Another all-time favorite book, assigned to me during a leadership training program was “Soar with Your Strengths.” This classic by Donald O. Clifton, past chairman of the Gallup organization, ...
Prince William filmed a video with 27-year-old creator Emmanuel Wallace, known on TikTok as Big Manny, who has a Master’s degree in biomedical sciences and has grown an online following of two million ...
Successful leaders motivate teams to achieve big goals by using scientifically proven method of praise, recognition, and storytelling.
Mastermind ("Your Age Is Your Edge") (*RR) Wednesday, February 5, 9:30am The Massachusetts Library Collaborative's 50+ Job Seekers Group meets via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, from ...
Feb. 2, meet author Elizabeth C. Bunce, the word-sleuthing mastermind behind the “Myrtle Hardcastle Mystery” series, during an author talk at Helena Middle School at 1 p.m.
Did RFK Jr.'s long-record of anti-vaccine activism affect his chances at becoming Trump's secretary of health?